
Consider Sponsoring
Flux Robotics

As a rookie team, we lack the resources of teams that have been competing in FIRST Robotics for decades. Your contribution will stretch the boundaries of what we can learn and what we can achieve. Please consider joining our team in our inaugural year.

As a first-year team our budget includes the following components:

We would be proud to promote your sponsorship, as indicated below:

Galileo Level ($500 - $999)

  • Promotion on team Instagram page, website

Darwin Level ($1,000 - $1,999)

  • Promotion on team Instagram page, website

  • Promotion on team t-shirts

Curie Level ($2,000 - $3,999)

  • Promotion on team Instagram page, website

  • Promotion on team t-shirts

  • Promotion on team banner

Einstein Level ($4,000 or more)

  • Promotion on team Instagram page, website

  • Prime promotion on team t-shirts

  • Prime promotion on team banner

  • Prime promotion on robot

We express our appreciation to the sponsors who have supported us during our rookie season.

Our Sponsors

How to Sponsor Flux Robotics

We offer multiple ways to sponsor Flux Robotics:

  1. Contribute directly through our GoFundMe here. (But please still send us information about youself/your organization by emailing us at pelhamroboticsteam@gmail.com.)

  2. If you would like an invoice and/or to contribute by check or wire, please fill out the following form and email it to us at pelhamroboticsteam@gmail.com:

    Company Name: ______________________________________ 

    Representative Name: __________________________________________ 

    Representative E-mail: ______________________________________ 

    Company Address: _________________________________________ 

    City: _______________ State: ______________ Zip Code: __________ 

    Company Website: __________________________________ 

    Sponsorship Amount (USD): $_____________________________ 

    Please send: ___ Address information so we can contribute by physical check

    ___ Wire instructions so we can contribute by bank wire

Flux Robotics is supported by Pelham Robotics Club Inc., EIN #33-3296159.